📢 Known Issue: Game Freezing When Using Boosters (UFO) 🚨

QueenB Posts: 15,836
edited February 26 in Support

We want to give you a quick heads-up!

Some of you have reported that your game freezes or becomes unresponsive when using or purchasing boosters, especially the UFO Booster.

What’s Happening?

  • The game may freeze or crash after selecting a booster before starting a level.
  • This mainly affects the UFO Booster, but other boosters may also be impacted.

What We’re Doing
The studio team is actively investigating the issue and working on a fix. We know this can be frustrating, and we truly appreciate your patience while we sort it out!

✅ What You Can Do in the Meantime

  • Try avoiding the UFO Booster until a fix is released.
  • Make sure your game is updated to the latest version.
  • If you experience this issue, please let us know in the comments with your device type and game version, it helps the team investigate faster 🕵️‍♂️

We’ll keep you updated here as soon as we have more news. Thanks for your patience, and we appreciate you being part of our sweet Solitaire journey!



  • ItsEmmyYeah
    ItsEmmyYeah Posts: 1

    Level 1

    edited February 26

    every game I select boosters the game freezes and I have to restart, once re-loaded the coins and booster have been used up but it doesn’t allow me to finish the game

  • buffyyy
    buffyyy Posts: 2

    Level 1

    I played solitaire till level 149 and then deleted it and played over (no reason).

    On the second roundly game freezes ever time I add a booster before staring the game. I keep losing the booster and the coins because all I can do is close the game.

    iOS 17.

    Any ideas how to fix it?
    It startet with the level that introduced the boosters but I failed to use them the first time. Because I already knew the game.

  • QueenB
    QueenB Posts: 15,836
    edited February 26

    Hi buffyryy,

    Thanks for reporting this issue, and I’m sorry to hear your game is freezing when using boosters. That sounds really frustrating, especially since you're losing coins and boosters in the process 😔

    The good news is that this has been reported to the studio, and they are looking into it! 🛠️ In the meantime, could you try these steps to see if it helps?

    Force close and restart the game
    Check for any game updates in the App Store
    Clear cache & restart your device (this won’t erase your progress)
    Try playing without selecting a booster and see if the freeze still happens

    If the issue continues, I’d recommend reaching out to Player Support through the game’s settings so they can take a closer look.

    I appreciate your patience, and thanks for sticking with us!

  • buffyyy
    buffyyy Posts: 2

    Level 1

    edited February 26

    I tried all of it. I can play without booster. But trying it out I lost a fair amount of coins and I got stuck many times. I am close to replay all the levels again. It’s frustrating not to be able to use boosters. Glad the problem is reported. 

    Thank you

  • johamilton
    johamilton Posts: 27,661
    edited February 26

    Hi and welcome to the Solitaire community. So sorry you are having this problem.

    You really need to do a soft reset. Log out of your game, (Do Not Delete your app) and turn your phone off. Let it sit about 10 seconds, the log back in with with your email and password.

    Also there is an update for the game. Please go to your apps and look for the game and you should see the update that needs to be downloaded.

    Please let me know if that takes care of your problem. 🤗

  • MrsBlue
    MrsBlue Posts: 1

    Level 1

    edited February 26

    I am experiencing the exact same thing. FYI

  • johamilton
    johamilton Posts: 27,661
    edited February 26

    Hi and Happy Sunday, just want to give you a heads up that this has already been reported to the studio, and they’re currently investigating. In the meantime, please

    Avoid using boosters before starting a level  until a fix is released.

    Please be sure your game is updated  to the latest version.

    Restart the game and clear cache

    I will get back to you when I hear a fix has been completed. Sorry for the inconvenience.


  • johamilton
    johamilton Posts: 27,661
    edited February 26

    Hi and Happy Sunday, just want to give you a heads up that this has already been reported to the studio, and they’re currently investigating. In the meantime, please

    Avoid using boosters before starting a level  until a fix is released.

    Please be sure your game is updated  to the latest version.

    Restart the game and clear cache

    I will get back to you when I hear a fix has been completed. Sorry for the inconvenience.


  • Dover5861
    Dover5861 Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Game is freezing. I must restart and is causing me to loose boosts and coins.

  • sofiawilson
    sofiawilson Posts: 2

    Level 1

    edited February 26

    There is no other backup on this

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?