My ultimate test: purple candy collection
So here I go again: The ultimate test to help finalise a strategy to win purple candy collection events. The Lantern event qualifier rounds lends itself beautifully. In fact I'm lucky to not get sidetracked by my Cornflower game on this, as it did not receive this event. So I can test out who is at an advantage using Poppy…
Does the Frog have a future in Candy Crush?
Are there any other fans of Samantha the Frog left in the game now? It won't surprise some of you that I'm starting this thread. I stumbled upon this thread and it inspired me to look up some of those frog levels and see how they play. It's less than a year since this great competition. I've been taking note of some levels…
Mathematically impossible to pass levels: Incompetence or deliberate?
My attention has been drawn to this level, in which moves have been reduced now to 26. To my calculations this leaves any player one move short at best, regardless of what boosters they might play, making the level mathematically impossible to pass without paying gold bars. Regardless of the strategy: There are 8 gummies…
Weekly Race- Is it fair or is it fake?
What we know for sure: The other players we compete against do not compete against us or see us in their games We have known this to be the case since our friends still featured as opposition. What I believe from evidence gathered this week ending January 26th 2025: King choose our opponents according to some algorithm, to…
The longest win streak in Candy Crush is : 2531 Really? Is that all?
I am trying to counter the nonsense quote that the highest win streak in Candy Crush is somewhere in the hundreds. It's way higher than that! But how high? Some streaks above 2000 and 3000 have been recorded in the past, but as the game keeps changing those would not be a fair comparison. The highest win streak recorded…
Yellow candies dropping prematurely?
Hi there. Has anyone else noticed yellow candies dropping in a level when they shouldn't since the latest update? I wonder if this is a new method of the game trying to stop us from passing a level by using a method that is not specifically written into the level design. I saw some yellow candies drop on my last move in a…
All my Weekly race opposition are new players under level 200!
This week every single player I'm up against is playing at levels below 200! In both accounts, so my guess would be that it's the case for every player? Is this deliberate from King or another glitch? Let's get ready for an influx of complaints. Perhaps anyone who reads this could check their weekly race opposition and we…
How to beat Alien Invasion
I have found this event easy to win somehow even though I have read posts from others to suggest that it's a nightmare to beat. I was wondering if my general method of playing Candy Crush had something to do with it. My method is: Approach nightmare/legendary levels with starting boosters. (I assume these Alien Invasion…
Testing time!
Here we go: It's the final dress rehearsal competition, and it's purple candies! I feel like I might have to just start one more final test game for this one. I hope everyone has this in their games. King claim that player allocation in the first qualifier round will be random. I would love it if some of you reading this…
How to make the most purple candies ?
Remember All Stars 2023 when some in the community were asking this very question: How many purple candies is it possible to make? The Pot of Gold event has given me the perfect opportunity to test this out for my game today. So I decided to only play new levels to get my 13,000 purple candies. One game from level 561 to…