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when will be new levels ?

when will be new levels ? wating


  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 171,280

    Woohoo and congratulations again! You did completed max level on this game again now! You are still masterful Diamond Diaries Hunter again! Well done and Me too! @skyhi67 👍😄

    15 new levels always be released on this game every Tuesday instead of Thursday. So next new levels will be coming on tomorrow. 😉

    You can also check out What is the latest level in Diamond Diaries Saga here now! 📱💻️

    Also thank you for your still challenge playing Diamond Diaries Saga so much! 🤗

    You can also check here :

    🌶️ Hot right now in Diamond Diaries here 🌶️

    Let's Celebrate the 5th Anniversary in Diamond Diaries Saga and Get the Badge here! 🎉5️⃣💎

    Guess What's Name - Win Gold Bars here! ❓ I Want to win Free Gold Bars on this game? Participate and Answer here! 🎉🏆✨

    📱💻️ What is the latest level in Diamond Diaries Saga here?

    💎 Wanna to win Diamond Diaries Saga's Badges? Check this out here! 💎🏅😉

    Have a wonderful and sassy day! 💎😄

  • skyhi67
    skyhi67 Posts: 332

    how many hours untill i can see the new leceks in israel ? now in israel it is allready tuesday 😘

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 171,280

    Thank you for your answering the question again. @skyhi67 🤗

    I think Diamond Diaries Team will start releasing new levels on their time is 11:00 am CET (the earliest) - 2:00 pm CET (the latest) every Tuesday. Same as your Israel time is 10:00 am CET (the earliest) - 1:00 pm CET (the latest).

    Well! I check playing this game and new levels will be start released on 12:00 pm CET (the earliest) - 1:00 pm CET (the latest) every Tuesday mostly. Same as your Israel time is 11:00 am CET (the earliest) - 12:00 pm CET (the latest) mostly. 😊

    So get set ready your reminder time to play new levels on this game every Tuesday. 😉

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 171,280

    Hello again! @skyhi67 👋😊

    Great news! Finally I see new levels (From level 3876 to 3890) are released on this game now! 😄

    Don't forget to update the latest version of this game that you can see and play the latest new levels on this game! 😉

    You can continue playing new levels that I hope you love playing these new levels again right now. 😄

    Have a wonderful and sassy day! 💎😄

  • skyhi67
    skyhi67 Posts: 332

    thank you lin i started the race again


  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 171,280

    Great! Your participation challenge time has still 5 days left right now. When you did completed to Level 3890, please remind to post your screenshot of Level 3890 on here (Weekly Race - Pass 15 Levels) before ended on 17th July that you will claim Pass 15 Levels Badge on your view profile on this community (not in the game). @skyhi67 😉

    Hope you can pass 15 levels on this game within one week soon! It's simple! You can do it again! 🏁😄

  • skyhi67
    skyhi67 Posts: 332

    why there is no goldbar prices for this chalenge 😥

    it will be helpfull ...slowly on my way

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 171,280

    Oh Dear! You can still earning free gold bars on Collect the Mission and City Challenge Features only.

    Anyway, Level 3884, 3885, 3889 and 3890 are also really another very impossible to be passed as it's not very enough moves to be passed possible and too many layers of blockers should be destroyed by many moves too. 🙁

    Except these another new impossible levels, I check another new levels are still not problem yet! But these new levels are still masterful hard and very impossible right now! Argh...! 😫😫😫

    Community Team has been answered me these new impossible levels have been reported to their team already then waiting for their team will fixing these new impossible levels easier or not on next week again.

    Also thank you for your still challenge playing Diamond Diaries Saga so much! 🤗

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