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Level 3772

bianca70 Posts: 232

Level 3772 is impossible to play out, to many obstacles and not enough moves.



  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 171,238

    Hello again! @bianca70 👋

    Yeah! Level 3772 is also really another very impossible to be passed as it's not very enough moves to be passed possible and too many layers of blockers should be destroyed by many moves again. Oh Dear! 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♀️

    Not just Level 3772, I find Level 3774, 3775, 3777, 3779, 3781 and 3785 are also really another very impossible to be passed as it's not very enough moves to be passed possible and too many layers of blockers should be destroyed by many moves too. 🙁

    Except these another new impossible levels, I check another new levels are still not problem yet! But these new levels will be start becoming masterful hard and very impossible right now! Argh...! 😫😫😫

    These new impossible levels have been reported to Diamond Diaries Team already then waiting for their team will fixing these new impossible levels easier or not on next week (s) again.

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 171,238

    Hello again! @bianca70 👋😊

    Finally Community Team answered me Diamond Diaries Team decided this level, Level 3774, 3775, 3777 and 3781 will be fixed easier on next Monday again but unfortunately as Level 3779 and 3785 will be not fixed easier.

    Please be patience and thanks for your reporting this impossible level. 🙏🤗

    🌈 Happy Pride (Early) Month to you! 🌈

    🌈 All colors are beautiful! 🌈

    💎 Diamond Lim 💎

  • Jill133
    Jill133 Posts: 23

    Level 3

    Were the levels that you mentioned above fixed? I don’t see any changes in 3775.

    thanks again. 😃

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 171,238

    Hello again! @Jill133 @bianca70 👋😄

    Yes! I see Level 3775 has been really fixed but little easier as 1 extra free moves added only. 😅😅😅

    Before this level fixed little easier :

    After this level fixed little easier now :

    But let me teach you how to link these charms (also dolls and more) faster and better now! 👇😉

    After you linking them, you don't need to wait until all of the charms are all ready released. You can continue linking more charms better and faster than all of the charms are all ready released. Start next linking them about 0.1 second is the fastest! (Doesn't like any King's Games need wait until next of them are all ready released) Haha! 😄

    Here is the example : I wanna to quick linking more charms are better while creating cross ray charm about 0.3 second. 😄

    Here is the another one example : Wow! I wanna to quick linking more charms are better while creating star ray charm about 0.3 second. So cool again! 😄

    Just like this video tips here! 👇😉

    You can also check here to learn more my amazing linking skills on this game if you want interested to learn! 😉

    Not just this impossible level has been fixed little easier, Level 3772, 3774, 3777 and 3781 has been little easier too but unfortunately as Level 3779 and 3785 cannot been fixed easier as it's still appropriate pass rate.

    And I think you should be more waiting then come back to play this game very later until more than 30 new levels to max level (Level 3800 (+15 new levels on this week)) left better, then I hope you will see these new special features like Jeweler's Club, Jeweler's Trial, Trader Chest and another new features will be released and helping you to get more free boosters and gold bars to use boosters/extra moves to pass any tricky levels especially if you got so close to pass tricky level (s) then you can reached and passed up to the max level easier and better as well. 😉

    Also thank you for your still challenge playing Diamond Diaries Saga! 🤗

    You can also check here :

    🌶️ Hot right now in Diamond Diaries here 🌶️

    Which charm would love most and Why? - Vote, Answer and Get the Badge here! ❤️💙💛💚💜 I 👑🎉🥳 Celebrate King's 20 year anniversary with us and get a badge here!

    Diamond Diaries Saga Quiz - Win Badge and also Gold Bars here! ❓ I Want to win Free Gold Bars on this game? Participate and Answer here! 🎉🏆✨

    📱💻️ What is the latest level in Diamond Diaries Saga here?

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    Have a wonderful and sassy day! 💎😄

  • bianca70
    bianca70 Posts: 232

    Level 3777 is still not fixed

    nogmaals bedankt. 😃

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 171,238

    Level 3777 has been really fixed little easier too as 2 extra free moves added now! 👇😄

    Before this level fixed little easier :

    After this level fixed little easier now :

    You make sure switch on the stable internet connection then open this game. Then you wait at least 2 minutes first then you can see and try playing these impossible levels have been fixed little easier now! 🤞😄

    And also congratulations! I has been selected you won 20 Gold Bars and also 3 Hammer Boosters on Diamond Diaries Saga on my contest here! 🎉😄

    You just answer your Game ID (How to find your Game IDthen Community Team will gives you 20 Gold Bars and also 3 Hammer Boosters on Diamond Diaries Saga soon! 😉

  • bianca70
    bianca70 Posts: 232

    I have won goldbars and hamerboosters but where can i fill in my user id 6589138020 to get my price in to the game

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 171,238

    Yes! 6589138020 is your Game on this game! Thanks for your answering your Game ID now! 🤗

    I ask to Community Team then you wait for Community Team will gives you 20 gold bars and 3 round hammer boosters on Diamond Diaries Saga Game soon! 😉

    Happy Tuesday! 😄

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 171,238

    Hello again! @bianca70 👋😄

    Great news! You received 20 Gold Bars and 3 Round Hammer Boosters on Diamond Diaries Saga now! Enjoy your happy having gold bars and round hammer boosters on this game now and congratulations again! 😄

  • skyhi67
    skyhi67 Posts: 332

    level imposible to passsss i am trieng for 2 weeks level 3772???wt???

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