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Wow! Sassy! Thank you for your voting and answering your favourite charm then answering the reason! @trishbanda ๐๐ค
You can alsoย find more badges to win in Diamond Diaries Communityย if youย haven't still participated and answeredย thenย got the badgesย yet! ๐๐
Sassy! Me too! Thank you for your voting and answering your favourite charm now! @finnsia ๐๐ค
Then why are you choosing your favourite charm isย Green 4-Leaf Clover Charm? Please make sure answer your favourite charm and also gives us your reason then you can claim favourite charm badge. Thank you again! ๐๐ค
Oh Yeah! Me too as I also love and agree Green 4-Leaf Clover Charm is really making us more good luck and adventurous! That's why I still love my favourite charm is Green 4-Leaf Clover Charm forever right now too! Thank you for your voting and answering your favourite charm then answering the reason now! @finnsia ๐๐ค
Oh Yeah! Me too as I also love and agree Green 4-Leaf Clover Charm is really making us more good luck and adventurous! That's why I still love my favourite charm is Green 4-Leaf Clover Charm forever right now too! Thank you for your voting and answering your favourite charm then answering the reason now! @CoonMa ๐๐ค