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When will we get new levels on Diamond Diaries?



  • skyhi67
    skyhi67 Posts: 329

    hi lim

    this level 4861 is impossible without extra moves !

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 170,814
    edited October 2024

    Hello again! 👋😊

    Yeah! This level is really very impossible to be passed as it's really very not enough moves to be passed and too many layers of blockers should be destroyed by many moves. So we cannot passing this impossible level without using boosters and extra moves very possible. Oh Dear again! 👇🙁

    But I see mostly of the players did completed this level and there is still no players are asking and stucking on this level yet right now.

    And please reminder again! As King Community Team has been answered us for stuck on any tricky/impossible levels on Diamond Diaries Saga. 👇

    If a few of you and players stuck on any tricky/impossible level (s) only, we are really sorry but that's unfortunately as it's will be not enough to report these tricky/impossible level (s) to King Community Team. So they will not tweaking these tricky/impossible levels mostly. We are really sorry and afraid! 😔

    If mostly of you and players stuck on any tricky/impossible level (s), I can report any tricky/impossible level (s) to King Community Team then they will checking and tweaking any tricky/impossible level (s) easier very later.

    King Community Team has been really still no time to tweak any tricky/impossible levels due to their still super busy to do around King Community right now, it's not just Diamond Diaries Saga, it's all of 12 King's games

    Please bear with us and thank you so much again! 🙏🙏🙏

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 170,814
    edited January 12

    Also congratulations to you again! Finally you did passing Impossible Level 4861 in this game now! You are still our masterful Diamond Diaries Hunter with us together right now! Well done again! @skyhi67 👍😄

    Let's continue challenge playing and completing next new levels until you complete Level 4880 in this game! 😄

    Good luck and also thank you for continuing to play this game with us together! 🤞🍀💎🤗

    Have a wonderful and sassy day! 💎😄

  • skyhi67
    skyhi67 Posts: 329


    level 4879 is also impossible

    to pass

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 170,814
    edited January 12

    Hello again! @skyhi67 👋😊

    Woohoo! Congratulations to you again! Finally you did passing Impossible Level 4861 in this game now! You are still our masterful Diamond Diaries Hunter with us together right now! Well done again! @skyhi67 👍😄

    Yeah! This level is really another one very impossible to be passed as it's really very not enough moves to be passed and too many layers of blockers should be destroyed by many moves. So we cannot passing this impossible level without using boosters and extra moves very possible. Oh Dear again! 👇🙁

    And please reminder again! As King Community Team has been answered us for stuck on any tricky/impossible levels on Diamond Diaries Saga. 👇

    If a few of you and players stuck on any tricky/impossible level (s) only, we are really sorry but that's unfortunately as it's will be not enough to report these tricky/impossible level (s) to King Community Team. So they will not tweaking these tricky/impossible levels mostly. We are really sorry and afraid! 😔

    If mostly of you and players stuck on any tricky/impossible level (s), I can report any tricky/impossible level (s) to King Community Team then they will checking and tweaking any tricky/impossible level (s) easier very later.

    King Community Team has been really still no time to tweak any tricky/impossible levels due to their still super busy to do around King Community right now, it's not just Diamond Diaries Saga, it's all of 12 King's games

    Please bear with us and thank you so much again! 🙏🙏🙏

  • skyhi67
    skyhi67 Posts: 329

    hi lim

    it is done i wish that next Tuesday will be new levels and all the problems will and

    c u

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 170,814
    edited February 24

    Yeahoo! Congratulations again! Finally you did completing to the last / max level in this game again now! You are still our masterful Diamond Diaries Hunter with us together right now! Well done and Me too! @skyhi67 👍😄

    See you challenge playing next 15 new challenging levels on next Tuesday again! 👋😄

    Also thank you for continuing to play this game with us together! 💎🤗

    Have a wonderful and sassy day! 💎😄

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 170,814
    edited January 10

    Hello again! All of Diamond Diaries Players who did completed and reached up to the max level in this game! 👋😄

    15 new levels (From level 4881 to 4895) are released in this game now! 🙌😄

    Let's continue playing next new levels in this game again now! 😄

    So you don't forget to update the latest version (Android - / Apple - of this game then you make sure use the stable internet connection and open playing this game again then finally you can seeing and playing the latest new levels in this game now! 😉

    Anyway, it's 105 new levels left to reach and celebrate Level 5000 in this game! Level 5000 will be released and coming on 10th December 2024! It's 7 weeks to go! 🎉💎5️⃣0️⃣0️⃣0️⃣😄

    You can also checking more Diamond Diaries Saga's Exciting Fun Threads here 👇💎😉

    Hot right now in Diamond Diaries Saga here! 🌶️💎✨

    Share your favorite booster here! ☄️

    📱💻️ What is the latest level in Diamond Diaries Saga here?

    💎 Wanna to win more Diamond Diaries Saga's Badges? Check this out here! 🏅😉

    Also check here to learn more amazing linking skills in this game! 😉

    🏁🚙 King Community’s Road to Legend! Level Up & Earn Rewards here!

    Have a wonderful and sassy day! 💎😄

  • skyhi67
    skyhi67 Posts: 329
    edited October 2024

    hi lim

    level 4894 is impossible to pass without a booster

    not enough mooves....🤔

    hhave a nice week 😘

    I did it at last with no booster .....c ya

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