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Gruncher Level 2


  • Did you really expect them to listen to the little guy?
  • I genuinely want to know who specifically is in charge of these decisions. Because you're doing a very bad job at actually doing your job. Updates are supposed to fix and improve, not break and detract. At this rate, you're killing your own game and its userbase with every new change made - Making Candy Royale permanent…
  • And once they do that, they'll raise the prices of gold bars and remove the community boards, that way no one can complain anymore.
  • And at that point, I wonder if they're doing it out of spite for the players who want it gone. I mean if they're refusing to do basic quality-of-life improvements in general, then odds are they won't give the time of day to any genuine issues with the game.
  • I keep getting ones that don't gel with the level I'm on, like Coconut Wheels when I want the fish or vice versa.
  • Calling it now, they'll investigate this, then either sit on their butts indefinitely or go "Sorry, we've done all we can" and not fix it at all.
  • Yeah, but why? Why is it not a universal option? That's what people want to know, and we've got no answers about it from the people amaking the updates. Not a lick about when it'll be remedied or why it's only certain people who can opt out, and most can't unless they lose. And when you're forced to keep paying more and…
  • For the record to anyone asking, I have no "Not Now" button and no X Button. Seriously why are the devs this pigheaded when it comes to feature fixing?
  • Is anyone else getting Candy Rush as a mandatory thing to do instead of an optional task? Because I can't find the exit icon for it anymore. I don't know if it's a glitch or a deliberate decision.
  • Doesn't explain why desktop users like myself are unable to do anything but opt-in. This shouldn't have been a feature to test to begin with. Not when there's hundreds of other problems with the game that need addressing.
  • I know it's a "Nightmareishly Hard" level, but I can't seem to get past this level. Even with boosters, I end up failing because the layout is super restrictive. Why did King make UFOs purchase only? Giving people free UFOs would make things so much easier for the user. Also, as I harped on before, Make Tiffi an actual…
  • It honestly feels like the developers at King are allergic to making quality-of-life improvements. Yes, money is the name of the game and all, but still, it'd be nice if they just did the bare minimum to keep its userbase, even the paying customers, happy and not frustrated on a constant basis.
  • Why do the timed boosters act that way, it's ridiculous. If they're timed, they should be unlimited use for that duration. not a one-and-done. King if you're listening (and I know you aren't, your staff almost never responds here), either update the timed boosters so they can be unlimited use, or get rid of them…
  • That's not the problem he's having. He's saying that when he goes back to the game, it crashes him back to the start screen or closes him out entirely. I've had that happen with other apps. I don't know if it's by design, or if it's hardware issues with the user. Either way, it's frustrating and why it happens as often as…
  • The problem with that is two-fold: I haven't gotten that layout, and I've been stuck using no boosters because I'm too broke to be buying them (seriously, why can't we just send boosters to each other? Is King afraid to make quality of life changes for its players to make it easier to get to the more recent levels?) The…
  • Yeah, I don't know why these were removed in the first place. The UFOs especially, since they could have helped me out on more than one of the tougher levels, yet because I use too many gold bars at one time (and I'm broke irl), I can't get them through that method.
  • Because it's all about the game of capitalism. People spend money so they can make money. No, my issue is why, after so many years, they don't do quality of life improvements to the game. Or make the game run better as I've had the game freeze on me more than once and half the time I can't tell if it's my connection or if…
  • I dunno, it'd help with some of the more seemingly impossible levels for those who don't want to spend the money for powerups.
  • Been noticing that since I hit the 2000 mark on even the regular levels. Heck, I've been seeing it since the start of the game on certain levels. I'm not too familiar with the game's mechanics (not a dev after all), so I don't know what goes into the design and layout of the game's candy drops. But what I have noticed are…
  • My issue with this is that it's a purely cosmetic change and not an actual mechanic that contributes to anything at all. There's only so much the booster wheel and the store can actually do when it comes to getting through levels. If Tiffi's going to be be there, maybe she can actually help out every few moves by providing…

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