Has anyone passed level 155- Pepper Panic?

Stuck in Pepper Panic in this level for ages... has anyone else managed it?
Best Answer
Level 155 is tricky! Try this strategy:
1) Look for 5 pepper combinations of same Colors Green Chillies, Yellow Chillies, Red Chillies, Orange Chillies, Purple Chillies and Blue Chillies to make the peppers grow to their full size and start burning chain reactions.
2) Look for 4 pepper combinations of same colors Green Chillies, Yellow Chillies, Red Chillies, Orange Chillies, Purple Chillies and Blue Chillies to make the peppers grow to their full size and start burning chain reactions.
3) Look for 3 pepper combinations of same colors Green Chillies, Yellow Chillies, Red Chillies, Orange Chillies, Purple Chillies and Blue Chillies to make the peppers grow to their full size and start burning chain reactions.
4) Look for “T” or “L” pepper combinations of same colors Green Chillies, Yellow Chillies, Red Chillies, Orange Chillies, Purple Chillies and Blue Chillies to make the peppers grow to their full size and start burning chain reactions.
Also check out this video:
Level 155 is tricky! Try this strategy:
1) Look for 5 pepper combinations of same Colors Green Chillies, Yellow Chillies, Red Chillies, Orange Chillies, Purple Chillies and Blue Chillies to make the peppers grow to their full size and start burning chain reactions.
2) Look for 4 pepper combinations of same colors Green Chillies, Yellow Chillies, Red Chillies, Orange Chillies, Purple Chillies and Blue Chillies to make the peppers grow to their full size and start burning chain reactions.
3) Look for 3 pepper combinations of same colors Green Chillies, Yellow Chillies, Red Chillies, Orange Chillies, Purple Chillies and Blue Chillies to make the peppers grow to their full size and start burning chain reactions.
4) Look for “T” or “L” pepper combinations of same colors Green Chillies, Yellow Chillies, Red Chillies, Orange Chillies, Purple Chillies and Blue Chillies to make the peppers grow to their full size and start burning chain reactions.
Also check out this video:
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Not sure where the video went...Here's the link:
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