What's up with that cat?

Level 1
That cat is driving me insaneee, he keeps stealing all of my big peppers, have as anyone got any tips on how to beat this guy?
Best Answer
Ahhhh that cat, I know the feeling he can be very frustrating make sure to make your combinations when his hand is as far away as possible and try and make line blaster combos that will knock him out temporarily...use this time wisely and get your combinations sorted so you can get the ultimate pepper panic!
Ahhhh that cat, I know the feeling he can be very frustrating make sure to make your combinations when his hand is as far away as possible and try and make line blaster combos that will knock him out temporarily...use this time wisely and get your combinations sorted so you can get the ultimate pepper panic!
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Thanks starfish!Ahhhh that cat, I know the feeling he can be very frustrating make sure to make your combinations when his hand is as far away as possible and try and make line blaster combos that will knock him out temporarily...use this time wisely and get your combinations sorted so you can get the ultimate pepper panic!
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Use the booster that temporary disables the claw. Or as Starfish says; do the combo dance and you'll do a cat KO
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