How do I make a Pepper Panic?
Is there a way to create a pepper panic? Or is it random or luck? Never know how I made them.
Best Answer
Hey Digger1, you dig this spicy saga too? I've had this question too when I started playing this game and for a long time these pepper panics just happened to me. You can actually create them by exploding peppers. Once a pepper explodes, it shoots seeds out that grow other peppers of the same color. If another pepper explodes because of this, the you've started a chain reaction. Ten of these chain reactions form a Pepper Panic! Anything else you need to know, checkout too ;-)
Hey Digger1, you dig this spicy saga too? I've had this question too when I started playing this game and for a long time these pepper panics just happened to me. You can actually create them by exploding peppers. Once a pepper explodes, it shoots seeds out that grow other peppers of the same color. If another pepper explodes because of this, the you've started a chain reaction. Ten of these chain reactions form a Pepper Panic! Anything else you need to know, checkout too ;-)
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Great! Thanks a lotHey Digger1, you dig this spicy saga too? I've had this question too when I started playing this game and for a long time these pepper panics just happened to me. You can actually create them by exploding peppers. Once a pepper explodes, it shoots seeds out that grow other peppers of the same color. If another pepper explodes because of this, the you've started a chain reaction. Ten of these chain reactions form a Pepper Panic! Anything else you need to know, checkout too ;-)
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I discuss the different ways to do it in the commentary in this video. Hope it helps.
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