Why won't Pepper Panic load? Been unable to play for 3 days - all other King games load

Level 1
Pepper panic saga will not load - all other King Games do load with no problems - this has been going on for three days - I play on Face Book and I am playing on a laptop
How about any other games? Have you tried any others to see if they load up?
I highly recommend watching this video, following the steps and then reloading the game. Hopefully then it will load fine.
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I have done the following:
-deleted cookies for King & Facebook - in fact, ALL my cookies
-deleted my browser history
-verified that I have the most recent version of Flash
-reset my browsers to default setting
-tried all the other King games I play to see if they would load - and they all do
How how about we get a real answer instead of a canned "it must be your settings" response? The issue is with the game, not our computers. Thx
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Hey Sharon, this is a community site. I was just trying to be a little helpful with my answer, ha. It's good that you have tried all those things but further to that I'm personally not sure what the issue is sorry.I have done the following:
-deleted cookies for King & Facebook - in fact, ALL my cookies
-deleted my browser history
-verified that I have the most recent version of Flash
-reset my browsers to default setting
-tried all the other King games I play to see if they would load - and they all do
How how about we get a real answer instead of a canned "it must be your settings" response? The issue is with the game, not our computers. Thx
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Same problem here.
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