I cannot get Pepper Panic Saga to load at all

Level 1
I cannot get Pepper Panic Saga to load at all, have tried IE, Chrome, Opera all the same, just sit on the loading screen the whole time. Same rely from King that everyone else has got - come here and ask the question - which I see others have asked and not been replied to either.
Best Answer
Hi Maria, didn't you see previous replies to this same question asked here already? Type keywords in the search area on this site, for example 'not loading' and filter by 'Pepper Panic Saga.' You then get to see all the previous posts and answers. Here's one of those, just click on the link https://care.king.com/en/pepper-panic-saga/i-have-loading-problems-with-pepper-panic
Check out that video attached in the above link and follow the steps.
I just played a peppertastic level myself and it worked for me with IE, Chrome and Mozilla.
Hi Maria, didn't you see previous replies to this same question asked here already? Type keywords in the search area on this site, for example 'not loading' and filter by 'Pepper Panic Saga.' You then get to see all the previous posts and answers. Here's one of those, just click on the link https://care.king.com/en/pepper-panic-saga/i-have-loading-problems-with-pepper-panic
Check out that video attached in the above link and follow the steps.
I just played a peppertastic level myself and it worked for me with IE, Chrome and Mozilla.
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