Pepper Panic
Level 1
I can't play PP on Facebook and I use Google Chrome, however I can play it on this link!/play/pepperpanic of King games but it is starting me from the begining and I am already on Level 71 and it is not showing my friends. It is the only King game that is not working for me and many many others. I even tried my cousin's computer and it is not working and I have cleared all the cache and background programs that could cause any problems. The problem isn't the computer, it is the fact that it isn't working on FACEBOOK with MY friends like the other KING games.
Please solve it on your end and let me know.
Best Answer
Hi Hind!
Go to and login. To sync your account with your Facebook progress just follow these steps:
1) Click on Settings
2) Choose Account
3) Enter your password
4) Click on Synchronizing/ Connect to Facebook
5) Click on the two arrows
Once done your progress is synchronized and you can progress from level 71.
Cheers :-)
Hi Hind!
Go to and login. To sync your account with your Facebook progress just follow these steps:
1) Click on Settings
2) Choose Account
3) Enter your password
4) Click on Synchronizing/ Connect to Facebook
5) Click on the two arrows
Once done your progress is synchronized and you can progress from level 71.
Cheers :-)
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but I still cannot play with my friends !! I can only see those who log in to and they aren't my friends
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