Why don't the lives carry over in Pepper Panic?

Level 1
This game is very unstable and it is not fair we get our friends to send us lives just to lose them because we have reload the game because it has so many issues. I have tried both Explorer and Firefox with the same reloading/crashing experience! Please show your players you appreciate our patience by maybe a day of infinite lives to make up for all the ones we have lost?! - Thank You!
Best Answer
Hi Sharon, great game you play! Try to play it in yet another browser; Google Chrome. Honestly, that's the one that works best for me for basically any game out there. Restart your PC. Clear cache. Only open your Facebook in Google Chrome and select Pepper Panic. Close all other open tabs and programs. If it still crashes, then check this link to see if something is still missing: https://www.whatismybrowser.com
Hi Sharon, great game you play! Try to play it in yet another browser; Google Chrome. Honestly, that's the one that works best for me for basically any game out there. Restart your PC. Clear cache. Only open your Facebook in Google Chrome and select Pepper Panic. Close all other open tabs and programs. If it still crashes, then check this link to see if something is still missing: https://www.whatismybrowser.com
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My question ist the same. I also did it to king.com help but I only get a really silly answer from them. Why do the lives disappear after refreshing the browser and how can I get it back????
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