Problems with Leverl 241 in Pepper Panic Saga

Level 1
The Chillis doesn't explode anymore. Is it a bug? Because in this way i am not able to finish this level
Best Answer
Hi Ann-Katrin!
Have you tried playing the game on!/play/pepperpanic
To sync your account with your Facebook progress just follow these steps:
1) Go to and login then click on settings (cog wheel, top right corner of screen)
2) Choose Account
3) Enter your password
4) Click on Synchronizing/ Connect to Facebook
5) Click on the two arrows to initiate the sync
Once done your progress is synchronized and you should now be able to play and progress without any issues.
Cheers :-)
Hi Ann-Katrin!
Please see this video clip on how to solve level 241:
Cheers :-)
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Thank you for the link, but i already have seen this and other videos. This didn't solve the problem.
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the problem is, the chills become bigger and bigger, at the end, they explode.. but immediately comes a new chill with the same colour instead to give space for others, so i have always a lot of one colour and i am not able to finish, because
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Hi Ann-Katrin!
Have you tried playing the game on!/play/pepperpanic
To sync your account with your Facebook progress just follow these steps:
1) Go to and login then click on settings (cog wheel, top right corner of screen)
2) Choose Account
3) Enter your password
4) Click on Synchronizing/ Connect to Facebook
5) Click on the two arrows to initiate the sync
Once done your progress is synchronized and you should now be able to play and progress without any issues.
Cheers :-)
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thank you, but this do not solve the problem. see belowHi Ann-Katrin!
Please see this video clip on how to solve level 241:
Cheers :-)
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thank you, but also this do not work. i get the following: "Warning: An error has occurred. Try to reload the page."
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It is NOT solved!Hi Ann-Katrin!
Have you tried playing the game on!/play/pepperpanic
To sync your account with your Facebook progress just follow these steps:
1) Go to and login then click on settings (cog wheel, top right corner of screen)
2) Choose Account
3) Enter your password
4) Click on Synchronizing/ Connect to Facebook
5) Click on the two arrows to initiate the sync
Once done your progress is synchronized and you should now be able to play and progress without any issues.
Cheers :-)
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