Pepper Panic Saga level 330

Level 2
Does anyone have any hints on how to complete level 330? I understand the logic, and have watched videos, but there doesn't seem to be enough green peppers to make the goal. The best I have done so far is getting 49 green peppers, then I run out of moves. Please help
If you use the multipliers and chain reactions its possible. It's just a matter of using your last moves wisely it seems. That was the case for me anyway. I hope you can pass it!
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Level 330 in Pepper Panic Saga is like a lot of other levels late in the game where you have collect a color that falls on the board at a limited pace. The other colors seem to fall randomly but there is only a set number of green peppers on the board at one time. The strategy to get around this is to clear all the crates and cages and start pepper panics and other chain reactions so that you can gain multiple green pepper collections in the cascades. As soon as some greens are matched and removed more fall in to replace them. So if you were only to concentrate on matching the green peppers to try to get to 99 you would never make it. But, if you can get cascades to cycle you can collect many more in just one move as the board is resettling. It is a bit hard to explain but I hope this will help. Watch my video again with this in mind and watch how quickly the collection count starts to go up towards the end as the pepper panics of the other colors are going off.
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