Question about lvl 12, Pepper Panic Saga...

Level 1
The above level is a puzzle level (progress by creating pepper combinations). The fourth one asks for 3 blue peppers. I can make the blue pepper combo (once as a T, a few times with other combinations in tandem, once as a single line of 3) but after it shows the bracket (acknowledging the combo happened) the computer freezes. The group of blue items does not disappear and in-game functions cease to work. I can only quit and start over.
Hi James,
Clear cache on your PC and do a restart.
Open only 1 tab in Google Chrome and play, either on your Facebook or on your account.
Here´s a video of level 12 made by expert Pete Peppers
0 -
I cleared my cache and the problem persists. I am going to see if playing from your site directly cures it since I have been playing from my FB account.
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