Why have i not receive the boosters for playing Alpha Betty Saga or Pepper Panic Saga , refill lives

Level 2
I have been playing Candy Crush Soda level 343, for two months, and also played the games above , now deleted, and something is not right. I have been on YouTube, did what was advised by one of your staff members, and still waiting to be elevated to next level. The last bear is not being released , and screen just bounce back. Will you help fix this problem? I really like playing some king games, and hope this issue is resolved A.S.A.P Thank you in advance.
Hi Lady T.0752!
Could you please take a screenshot of how it looks on your screen? Please post it here and I'll try to help you out.
Also I suggest try playing the level on King.com: https://king.com/play/candycrushsoda
I saw on another thread a step by step instruction on how to transfer your game progress to King.com:
1) Go to King.com and login then click on settings (cog wheel, top right corner of screen)
2) Choose Account
3) Enter your password
4) Click on Synchronizing/ Connect to Facebook
5) Click on the two arrows to initiate the sync
You can see the tutorial here: https://care.king.com/en/candy-crush-saga/how-can-i-transfer-my-progress-from-facebook-to-the-king-website
Once done your progress is synchronized and you should now be able to play and progress without any issues.
Cheers :-)
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