Can't buy gold bars

Level 1
I've been unable to purchase gold bars for the past 2 days. I've bought them in the past. I use paypal to pay.
Can you say what happens when you trying to purchase. I mean, do you get any error messages? Have you checked your payment details in Paypal as well?
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I am using the Facebook Games Arcade on my desktop cpu and having this same issue. I click on the amount of gold bars I want to purchase and get the message "Failed to add gold bars". I don't even get the option to choose a payment type or anything. I have purchased in the past and my payment details are correct. I'm able to purchase items on the other King games that I play.
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Hmm, maybe follow the steps outlined in the thread here, see if you can narrow down the cause:
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Same issue here and unable to find solution that works. It's maddening.
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Same issue here and unable to find solution that works. It's maddening.
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