When will the accessibility of Pepper Panic Saga & Blossom Blast Saga change?
Level 1
Will there be a mobile app of Pepper Panic Saga that I can download onto my phone available soon?? I have a 4G Smart Phone, yet can't download it through google play store, as it is no longer there! When will I be able to download and play Blossom Blast on my home PC, not just play it on my mobile?
I know that the actual Pepper Panic game finished a long time ago so maybe as there were no new levels then they took down the game. As for Blossom Blast, it should be available for you to play on Facebook. I have it, so check it out and search for it
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KingsPinn, I received a reply from CezDiamond at KingCare regarding my post,"When will the accessibility of Blossom Blast Saga & Pepper Panic Saga change?"; where I was informed that Pepper Panic Saga, is only available to play on Desk Top PC's for now, but they are working on making it available, to be downloaded & played, on mobile phones! So, it is still available to download &play-desktop Facebook only! I have no idea why I can't play Blossom Blast on my home PC! I can only assume that the reverse applies with Blossom Blast Saga, to that of Pepper Panic Saga! So, check https://www.facebook.com/King/ - regarding Pepper Panic Saga! If it's still available, to both download & play, in not on Australia but plenty of other countries worldwide, I can only assume that they've created more levels to be played! It's just a thought! Cheers, Lisa-Jayne.(Hampton East, Australia)I know that the actual Pepper Panic game finished a long time ago so maybe as there were no new levels then they took down the game. As for Blossom Blast, it should be available for you to play on Facebook. I have it, so check it out and search for it
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