Pepper Panic

Level 1
Why is this game not added to the Google Play Store????????? When allllllll of the King Games have been added....please add this game.
Best Answer
The game finished ages ago so I guess it's classed as an old game. There were only around 450 levels so not that many to really keep it going.
The game finished ages ago so I guess it's classed as an old game. There were only around 450 levels so not that many to really keep it going.
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Gina, there is a version of Pepper Panic released for mobile on google play (may be it's not in your region yet?)Here is the link: Google Play: Pepper Panic Saga
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Yes it's not in my countryGina, there is a version of Pepper Panic released for mobile on google play (may be it's not in your region yet?)Here is the link: Google Play: Pepper Panic Saga
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That sucks it is my favorite gameThe game finished ages ago so I guess it's classed as an old game. There were only around 450 levels so not that many to really keep it going.
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