Repairing a formerly great game

Level 1
I have thoroughly enjoyed Papa Pear for quite some time but was sad to see the length of time it took to create levels past 555. I was momentarily pleased to see more levels added but quickly disappointed to find that apparently the entire game seems to be rewritten in a different format. Now I find that I not only dislike the new levels but that the old levels that I have been enjoying despite there not being anything new added are of a terrible caliber and not even worth wasting my time. Whoever decided to rewrite everything has ruined the game in it's entirety. Can someone please repair the damage that has been done to a fine game?
Hi Greg- Thanks for posting on King Care. I am really sorry that you do not like the layout of your game. We appreciate you taking the time to provide us with this feedback.
I cannot promise that changes will be made but I will be sure to pass your comments on. We value the thoughts of our players, so thanks again for posting!
Have a lovely week!
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