Pepper Panic Plus Saga

Level 1
I would like to know if there will be an update to Pepper Panic Plus Saga on IOS & Android. I have completed the current version 1.13.1 on IOS.
I cannot find any reference to this game on King's website.
Andrew Rindel
Best Answer
Hello Andrew,
This game is still being tested so it's not available to all players yet.
For the moment the only levels available are the ones included in the initial install.
I hope this information helps.
Kind regards,
Hello Andrew,
This game is still being tested so it's not available to all players yet.
For the moment the only levels available are the ones included in the initial install.
I hope this information helps.
Kind regards,
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Hi Johnny, thanks for information. It clears a lot up. Hopefully new levels etc won't take for ever to arrive.Hello Andrew,
This game is still being tested so it's not available to all players yet.
For the moment the only levels available are the ones included in the initial install.
I hope this information helps.
Kind regards,
0 -
Hi i'd like to know in which country Pepper panic plus saga is available On ios because I am a blind and it's hard for me to play the game on Facebook because on Facebook it is playable with the mouse it's easy to play on iOS please tell me in which country it is available
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