Can someone tell me why you can't collect lives from friends after the first notification?!?!

Level 1
What is the point of sending lives if you can only accept them on the first notification?? It nullifies their use and importance, because you can only have a max of 5 lives, and when you usually get a lot of free life notifications is when you log on after a long time and already have all 5 lives, so accepting at that point would be useless and wasteful, but then after reloading on to the game (because it doesn't allow you to pull the notifications screen back up any other way) all of those lives are gone, condemning the sending of lives not as an act of helpful friendship, but a faux ploy that makes the sender feel good about themselves for helping their friend, but when in actuality, the sent life was a useless token that vanishes after one look. Thanks for nothing friends. If you want the free life to have little to no significance at all in this game, then you might as well just remove the feature from Pepper Panic all together. I realize this game is ancient now, but I would like some respect and well-deserved updates given to a game that stood out unique among a plethora of generic Candy Crushes.
-Sincerely devoted, Pat924
(keep in mind I'm the logical, 15 year old son of this Facebook account, not some cranky, old, arthritis-riden lady on a rant)
Thank you for your post and for the feedback.
The feature you are referring to is in place in most of our games on Facebook. The games are meant be be played casually so we think that 5 lives is the perfect number with more available from your friends if required.
I'll be sure to pass your feedback forward.
Kind regards,
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