Hi, I did not receive my bonus for winning
Posts: 1
Level 1
In King candyd crush, using a iOS iPad, their is a challenge called The Emoji movie. I completed all 5 level's and I did not receive my bonus's. It showed that I had passed all levels, then didn't do anything and didn't stay up long enough to to take a snap shot, for one thing I was waiting for my bonus's. Like I said it had checked off all 5 levels to show me I had won! It showed the check marks for about 10 sec then it just went back to the regular screen! Also, I used 3 or 4 of my boosters to help me with the game. I have spent a lot of money on this game ( to much really)) and it seems to give Me problems such as I'll not get all my boosters after buying them, it first started happening over 2 yrs ago but at the time I did talk to someone and they asked for me to take a screen shot and at the time I didn't know how! Can you please help me with the problem at hand.? Thank you,.Pam Malinowski
Hi Pam,
I have sent you a private message, so that we can check your player account. Please click on the envelope icon on the top right corner of the screen and kindly get back to me with the details in order to solve the issue.
Kind regards,
- Mark, Team King Care
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