Completed level 400 but it is not moving on to next episode.
Level 1
Hello. I have completed level 400 twice now. Each time it has me wait for the next episode to open. I have gone in at a later time and it hs me play level 400 again. Why is it not moving onto the next episode? Thank you.
Hi mofotogirl,
Thank you for posting this here on King Care.
I am sorry this happened to you in Pepper Panic Saga. You can play till level 460 in Pepper Panic Saga.
If you can't, then please try the following:
Try playing in another browser (E.g if you are using Internet Explorer for example, then try with Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Opera).
You can download them from the following links, always ensure you have the latest version:
(windows only) (if you are using an older version than Windows10)
Now please visit the following link for help in clarifying whether your browser is indeed all up to date.
If the browser is not up to date then simply click on the Update button to install the latest version.
You can also double-check on this page if your browser will able to play the game. Your browser should score at least 450 points, if it doesn’t then please look at the list above and download a different browser. Google Chrome is usually the most up to date and well maintained.
I'd also recommend closing all extra tabs and other programs whilst you play as these can often negatively impact the game performance.
Now make sure that you clear the cache regularly:
Here is a useful video that will show you how to perform these steps:
Kindest regards and have a great day,
Tony - King Care Team
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