Lives and android playing

Level 1
Why on Pepper panic saga you don't arrange receiving extra lives like you did on every other game? So when I play I'm done in few minutes and than waiting for lives like forever
You could also add sending gifts and lives to friends.
You released android platform but still didn't receive answer how to connect to my acc, because there is no button to make connection?!
Hi Tea,
I am so sorry for the delay in a response.
Are you still having issues with the game?
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Acctually I gave up at that time because I didn't get any helpful answer, so I don't know if this is solved or not..
Br, T
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Oh no Tea
I am so so sorry. King had a shuffle around on here as it was meant to be player led but it just didn’t work. They now have drafted in us volunteers so if you ever come back to it, it’s not so bad now.
Have a good weekend
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