Level 1
I have reached level 460 and cannot travel any further? What is the problem please?
Best Answer
Hi Freda, it seems there are possibly no more levels made yet.
I will do my best to find out though!
Hi Freda, it seems there are possibly no more levels made yet.
I will do my best to find out though!
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Thank you. I found out a while ago that there will be no more levels at this time. Sad. As I enjoyed the Pepper panic game. It took a long time to answer my query - Around four months!!! But thanks anyway.
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Hi Freda, you are right and it’s inexcusable
king tried a player led forum but it didn’t work so well so they had a shuffle and drafted us volunteers in. So hopefully things will get answered quicker now! It’s a work in progress but it’s changing for the better.
I don’t think it’s the end for the game from what I heard.. just it’s a smaller game and less popular so not updated as much as the others!
Have a good weekend
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Thank you very much. Will keep hoping more progress with Pepoer Panic saga. You have a great week-end too and Happy Easter.
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