When are your next update due on candy crush? I have no levels left. Passed 3245 this weekend.
Level 1
When are your next update due on candy crush for iPhone? I have no levels left. Passed 3245 this weekend. And is pepper panic ever going live again?
Hello Linda! I know that new levels are released weekly, but I understand how it feels to wait for them. I am currently done with the latest episode on Papa Pear Saga and now I have to wait for new levels to be released...which is not as frequent as Candy Crush, unfortunately. Have you tried doing the Sugar Track challenge? Here is some info on that: https://care.king.com/en/blog/article/candy-crush-sugar-track-is-here It is nice because it keeps you busy while waiting for new levels to come out, AND you get some sweet rewards...er...no pun intended. I wish you luck on your journey, and I have to admit, I am kind of envious of all the people at the end of the Candy Crush levels. Good luck and have a candy-licious day! Thank you for contacting King Care!
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