Pepper Panic Saga works but there are no profile pictures of my friends.

Level 1
Pepper Panic Saga works but there are no profile pictures of my friends. Have already followed all of the steps such as uninstall, etc. How do I get my friends pictures back? They are only black squares where there pictures used to be.
Hi Patty!
That's a weird technical issue. I know you've mentioned uninstall but Pepper Panic Saga is on Facebook, which means that it cannot be "installed" or "deinstalled" per se. Have you tried clearing your browser's cache and cookies? This can help fix it. If not come again and we'll look into it!
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No this did not solve the issue but thanksHi Patty!
That's a weird technical issue. I know you've mentioned uninstall but Pepper Panic Saga is on Facebook, which means that it cannot be "installed" or "deinstalled" per se. Have you tried clearing your browser's cache and cookies? This can help fix it. If not come again and we'll look into it!
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I am having the same problem. I cannot see Friends photos nor can I send extra lives to friends. I attached an image of what I see. Hope I did this right! Any help would be appreciated. I tried using two different browsers, got the same results. I play via Facebook using a desktop computer. Image is here: Patty!
That's a weird technical issue. I know you've mentioned uninstall but Pepper Panic Saga is on Facebook, which means that it cannot be "installed" or "deinstalled" per se. Have you tried clearing your browser's cache and cookies? This can help fix it. If not come again and we'll look into it!
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