I have purchased gold bars today and over 70 have been lost due to game lock up

Level 1
i purchased 500 bars today and two separate occasions I have Used bars to buy extra moves or boosters on spinning wheel only to have the wheel fail to stop spinning and the game is locked. I have to close out the app to reset and the game reverts to not having played that level. I have lost over 70bars. And still haven’t moved forward to next level. I want my bars back and also to figure out how to keep spinning wheel from freezing game.
Hi Carole, what spinning wheel are you referring to? Is it the daily spinning wheel where you can get a free booster? Since payment issues involve sensitive data and require personalized support we do not support these queries in the community. You can find the steps to take here: https://care.king.com/en/blog/article/did-something-go-wrong-with-your-purchase-1
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