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What are these special events in my game?
Posts: 2,013 System
Our Game Teams are constantly working on new features, gameplay events and challenges to add in extra challenges and rewards, bringing you the most in entertainment and fun. Most events will appear for a limited period and carry a time window for you to complete them, visible when you have the event active in your game.
Each event will have it's own set of rules and goals, so be sure to check the pop-up messages when they appear. If you don't catch them, you can look through the Events tab in your game to get another look, or take a look through our Helpcentre to see if the feature is explained in more detail there, as we're adding new content and instructions all the time.
Then all you need to do is jump in and get cracking!
- All Categories
- 177 General
- 418 Conversations Migration (to be deleted?)
- 8.2K Community Hub
- 25K Mod Corner
- 5.6K Bubble Witch Saga
- 631 Bubble Witch 2
- 1.7K Blossom Blast Saga
- 125.1K Candy Crush Saga
- 11.3K Candy Crush Friends Saga
- 6.1K Candy Crush Jelly Saga
- 29.7K Candy Crush Soda Saga
- 1.6K Diamond Diaries Saga
- 10.3K Farm Heroes Saga
- 1.7K Farm Heroes Super Saga
- 8.3K Pet Rescue Saga
- 1.8K Pyramid Solitaire Saga
- 2.2K AlphaBetty Saga