Can I skip levels?

CommunityTeam Posts: 1,997 System
edited September 2018 in General Questions

Following the trail of adventure through our game maps is one of the cornerstones of our games.

Unfortunately, this means that you can't skip individual levels, I mean after all, what would be the fun in that?

Instead, you'll need to pass each level before unlocking the next one and moving on in the journey.

If you're stuck on a particular level why not check out how other players beat the level on YouTube? Just search for the name of the game and the level number and you'll find a wealth of videos available. Just be sure to find one that says 'no extra moves' to be sure it was passed using the number of moves in the game. 

Alternatively perhaps you might want to use some of those free boosters you've been awarded through the various challenges and promotions? This is the perfect time to make good use of them, after all! 

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