I purchased an item on my Amazon device but haven’t received it. What should I do?

If you purchased an item but didn't receive it, our Customer Care team will endeavor to investigate what has happened. Simply follow this article here. Make sure that you have a copy of the purchase receipt ready as we may need you to attach that when you reply back to us.
If you no longer have a copy, you will need to contact Amazon directly, as it's Amazon who handled your transactions and who have access to your saved payment information.
To contact them, go to your account by contacting Amazon by tapping here
As Amazon handles all of your financial transactions directly, if you would like a full refund, please use the Contact Us option on your device to get in touch with the Amazon Support Staff. You can also follow this link for further help: www.amazon.com/gp/help/contact-us/general-questions.html?skip=true
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