I have unauthorized purchases on my Google Play Store account.

It can be a very worrying concern if you have received charges from your Google Play Store account which are unfamiliar to you.
It’s possible that they are valid charges and relate to purchases which you may have overlooked, so it’s important to first check your order history to see if the charges match the items you’ve bought.
So to put your own mind at rest, there are only three steps you need to take.
Check your purchase history first
Google Play will send you a confirmation email to the address you’ve stored in your Google Play Store account each time you make a purchase. But if you no longer have the email receipts, you can find them listed in your order history here - just scroll down to 'Find your Receipt and Order Number'.
If your purchase was accidental
If your purchase was made accidentally or by a known friend or family member, please contact us at King so we can help you with this. We’ll need a screenshot of the order receipt which clearly shows the Google Play Store order number, bundle purchased, date and amount paid.
If the purchase is still not recognized, report it to Google Play immediately
King would never apply charges to players’ accounts without authorization and there are no hidden features or purchases in any of our games. All in-game purchases need to be initiated by the player in-game, or someone who has access to their device. Before a purchase is completed the buyer must also confirm the Google Play Store payment details and submit their password or give fingerprint authorization if the account is secured.
If the purchase has been carried out without your consent or knowledge, using methods to bypass the security of your account, you must immediately report this to Google Play. They can be contacted here, for issues concerning activity and fraud on your account here
Google Play will investigate this, the security of your account, and arrange any appropriate refunds for purchases carried out without your consent. We also strongly urge you to contact your bank and the police to report the fraud.
For additional help in protecting your device against accidental or unauthorized purchases please see Google Play's guide to securing your device here
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