Game keeps freezing or crashing, what should I do?

Posts: 2,028 System
Please try all the options below to resolve the issue:
- Force close all apps and restart your device making sure to leave it switched off for at least 10 seconds before turning it back on again.
- Look for any updates for your device and the game app - check out the handy video at the end of this article!
- Make sure that you have sufficient memory free on your device. We normally recommend having at least 2GB free. If you have less than this be sure to free up some memory to enable the game to run as smoothly as possible.
- As a last resort, we can try reinstalling the game as it usually fixes most issues. Simply make sure that your game is safely backed up to your Facebook or Kingdom account before proceeding with this step. *Please also note that any boosters or extra lives stored in the game may also be lost during this process, so it's worth trying to use them up before reinstalling
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