Moving game progress to a new device

If you have recently acquired a new phone or tablet, this guide should help you transfer your game progress from your old device.
Before moving to your new device, you need to make sure you go through a few simple steps first. These steps will work either on an iOS device or an Android device.
- Enter the game on your old device.
- Back up your progress and connect to Facebook or to the Kingdom.
- Install the game on your new device.
- Open the game and connect it back to Facebook or the Kingdom.
All your game progress and Gold Bars should be transferred to your brand-new device!
By connecting to Facebook or Kingdom, you are synchronizing your progress with our game servers. Therefore, your progress and gold bars will be easily transferred between your devices.
If for some reason the progress and gold bars do not transfer, try contacting us (by clicking 'contact us' button below) where we can help you get them back.
Boosters, extra lives, and extra moves are not saved on our servers, they are saved locally on the device on which they were purchased. This means, unlike Gold Bars and level progress, they won't transfer across to your new device.
Fortunately, if you still have access to the old device, everything will still be there. Why not head on back over and use up those boosters to power through some levels before switching to your new device?
Always remember that we never recommend storing too many boosters on your device. We offer a variety of ways to get free boosters every day so there is no need to stockpile them. Use them to get past those tricky levels!
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