I have seen a targeted advertising

Our priority is always our players and their gaming experience. Our games include advertising for third party products and services. When you play our games, non-personal identifiers and other information about your device is collected and shared with our advertising partners to enable the technical delivery of ads to your device. Our advertising partners may combine this information with information which they have collected about you when you use their services (or the websites or services of third parties) in order to serve you more relevant ads in our games.
You can choose to prevent your device's ad identifier being used for interest-based advertising, or you can reset your device's ad identifier, by changing the settings of your device. Settings vary from device to device but you will usually find the ad identifier settings under "privacy" or "ads" in your device's settings.
If you live in the USA, Europe or Canada, you can also opt-out from the collection of your information by some or all of our advertising partners who participate in the Digital Advertising Alliance by visiting http://www.aboutads.info/choices/ (for US users), http://www.youronlinechoices.com/ (for European users) or http://youradchoices.ca/choices (for Canadian users).
Please note that adjusting your preferences as described above does not mean you will no longer receive adverts, it only means the adverts you do see will be less relevant to your interests.
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