How do I save my progress?

Posts: 2,028 System
There are two ways to save your progress: Using either Facebook or our Kingdom. By connecting to either of these platforms you can…
- Save your game: You’ll be able to easily synchronise your progress and Gold Bar balance from Facebook/ to your mobile device and vice versa. This ensures that your progress will not be lost should you switch devices and allows you to seamlessly switch between your desktop, mobile and tablet carrying on from the last played level. However, as boosters are saved locally on the device you received them on, to allow you to use them while playing offline, they won't transfer between devices.
- Get help from friends: The more the merrier! On Facebook and Kingdom you can keep up to date with the progress of friends or other King players (score and level) and compete against them to make sure you’re top of the score list. Friends and players within the Kingdom can also give you more lives and help you to unlock new episodes.
Use the blue Facebook connect button when you open the game to log in with your Facebook email address and password.
If you don't use Facebook, be sure to create a Kingdom account by clicking on the orange Kingdom icon in the Settings menu. Add your email address, choose an avatar and password and you're good to go.
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