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(Ended) What level are you on? - 100 Gold bars at stake!
Posts: 2,509
Hey everyone!
New competition is here! This time, we have a simple question for you all:
Post below and let us know what level you are on, that's all it takes! 5 of you will be granted 20 gold bars each!
New competition is here! This time, we have a simple question for you all:
What level are you on?
Post below and let us know what level you are on, that's all it takes! 5 of you will be granted 20 gold bars each!
You have until the 15th of April to participate.
I am currently on this level. I need to start playing this more often.1
My game stopped at level 460 and won't let me go any higher! So, that is where I sit.1
First of all, my apologies for the delay and thank you both for being the only ones who participated 🤗
@Elsa - I've added your reward so you should see the Gold bars in your game the next time you open it 😉
@Binxy_Morgan - Well done on completing all the levels in the game 👏🙌 Because there are no more new levels, I've added Gold Bars to your Bubble Witch Saga 3 game as it loos like it's one of your favorites.
Hope your happy with this and keep it Spicy 🌶🌶🌶
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lvl 460 game wont go any further yet i have completed it n got 3 stars for completeing it0
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