DOES Pepper Panic END AT LVL 460

Maybe you need to update the app. There are lots more levels than that.0
posted this in the wrong section it was suppose to be for pepperpanic not papapear LOL1
@Tonya_Scanlon, welcome to the Community
I'll move your question over to Pepper Panic page and yes, level 460 is the very last level!
Congratulations on your amazing achievement but we're sorry the Saga is now over, Pepper has finished his spicy quest and is heading off home.
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Can you please reset my game to Level 1, ID 1029309460
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Hello @Leueen A Warm Welcome to our friendly King Community 🤗
I have noticed that you have posted your request to Reset your game to Level 1, in both Papa Pear AND Pepper Panic saga!
Would you like to restart both the games from the beginning OR did you post in this Pepper Panic section by mistake?
Can you please confirm?
Thank you and have a wonderful day/evening! 🌶️ 🌶️
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Hi, yes I wanted to start both games again as I enjoyed them so much the first time.
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Thank you very much for confirming @Leueen 🤗
And your ID number will come in handy to reset your game 👍️
I will inform the Pepper Panic Community Manager to help you out. They are gone for the weekend and will be back on Monday. Hence, I would request you to be patient till then please!
Thank you very much for understanding! Keep having fun in your game(s)! 🌶️ 🌶️
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Thank you.😀
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Thank you, looking forward to playing it again :)
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