Will someone please rest my game so I can play again?
Posts: 2
Level 1
Hello, My name is Sunnie Cravens and I miss playing this game. I want to go back through and replay all the games, but I have to scroll back through 40 levels to do so. Is there some way that someone can please reset my game so I can start over? I understand you're not going anywhere else with the game, but it's still there and lots of us enjoy playing it.
Thanks for your time,
Sunnie Cravens
Thanks for your time,
Sunnie Cravens
Hi @Luffchylde, welcome to our Community 🤗
Pepper Panic features 460 levels in total, are you sure you don't want to finish this first?0 -
I already have! My facebook account name is Sunnie Cravens, the email I created it under is **Edit by CM: removed personal info**. I tried to make another account so I could play again, but can't get into the spare account anymore. Yes, please reset my game, I've finished all of the levels.0
Ok, done @Luffchylde🤗1
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