What are the blockers and how do you clear them?

Blockers are objects which you need to work around or destroy. They can be the barrier between you and your goal, and in some levels you will need to clear them in order to complete the level. Below are the blockers that you will find in Pepper Panic Saga.

The Statues - When you are trying to destroy Statues or rack up Exploded Peppers, it is often best to concentrate as many peppers as possible to Flaming status before you start a Pepper Panic.

The Ice Blocker - In order to release the blocked peppers hidden under the ice, you will have to break the ice layers.
The Crates - Peppers
are hidden under the crates so you will have to make matches adjacent to them
to break the chain and clear the crate.
The Cages - The peppers are trapped in cages, so you need to make a match adjacent to them in order to release the peppers.

Wrapped Peppers -
This was taken from level 223. I am not
that high up yet in the game yet so I did a print screen from the video. As you can see some of the
peppers have up to #3 on them. First you
have to make matches to clear the numbers and then the wrapped peppers will
appear on the board.
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