How to match the peppers and make them grow

Match peppers to make them grow and then explode! Set off a chain reaction to get a Pepper Panic and pass each level even faster! Each time you form a match, all of the peppers in the match are sucked into a single pepper that gets larger.

Watch them grow! Peppers start off small but grow bigger as you match them. The bigger they get, the closer to exploding they’ll be. The result of the match depends on the size of the peppers involved -use larger peppers for explosive results!

Some people cant download it at all
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Where are you trying to download it from? The studio started creating new levels so you might only be able to play it at I don't think it can be downloaded to a mobile device.
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Like I'm not trying to get it. I'm not really allowed but what I meant was like I played it before at a family members house.
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Now I understand you.
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