Why Pepper Panic Saga has been deleted with Tablets, Smartphones, iPhones and iPads?

Posts: 2
Level 1
Hi! it seems Pepper Panic Saga has been deleted with tablet smartphone iphone and ipad, but has been deleted the game pepper panic. Please add me!!!!
Best Answers
Hi! it seems Pepper Panic Saga has been deleted and before has been played and after has been deleted Add me Please!!!!! Thank You.0
Hello @Agostina !
Welcome to our Community!
Pepper Panic can only be played on a computer through Facebook. You can play other King games on a mobile, or stick to our hot & spicy Pepper on your computer
Have an awesome day and let us know if you have any other question; the Community is always here to help!5
Hi! it seems Pepper Panic Saga has been deleted and before has been played and after has been deleted Add me Please!!!!! Thank You.0
Hello @Agostina !
Welcome to our Community!
Pepper Panic can only be played on a computer through Facebook. You can play other King games on a mobile, or stick to our hot & spicy Pepper on your computer
Have an awesome day and let us know if you have any other question; the Community is always here to help!5
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