How do you play

Level 1
Wht is this game about and how do u play it
How do you play this game
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Hello @sherrybabes25 Hearty Welcome to our friendly King Community 🤗
Are you wondering about the game "Pepper Panic Saga" or some other game?
If it is "Pepper Panic Saga" --> You can play it ONLY on PC and the game is not available on Mobile devices!
It has been a while since I have stopped playing this game... but, if I remember correctly, it is just like any other match 3 / 4 / 5 Peppers and collect the needed amount to level up. As we go higher in the levels, the more complicated and hard the levels become. But, I am sure that by the time you reach to level # 50, you will figure out most of the game by yourself 😀
But, any game would be the same, right! Levels keep getting hard, the more we go further!
Hope this answers and clarifies your question! Please post back just by typing your reply in the blank dialogue box located below.
Thank you for posting in the Community! Have a wonderful rest of the day/evening! 🌺
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Hello again @sherrybabes25 Hope you are having a nice day!
It looks like you have posted the same question couple of times!! I have just answered your question about "How to play the game" that you have posted a little earlier to this question!!
Here is the link for that question and to check my answer Please click on this link to go to that thread.
** As per Community Guidelines, this post will be closed now as it is "Duplicate Post"!
Thank you for posting in the Community! See you around! Have a wonderful week ahead 🌺
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