How do I get pepper Panic Saga because I do not see it in my iOS App Store

Level 2
How do I get pepper Panic Saga because I do not see it in my App Store for iOS.
Hello @starshemia23 A Warm Welcome to our friendly King Community 🤗
I am sorry to say that the Pepper Panic Saga is NOT available on the mobile devices!! I recently read somewhere that it can be played ONLY on PC!! You can play both on Facebook and also on
I will tag our Pepper Panic game In-charge @Lola_Pop to correct me if I am wrong and provide you further assistance.
I have noticed that you are interested in playing different games! Do you play all of the Candy Crush Saga games? If so, did you try any of the Farm Heroes games too?
** If you have anything else share or to ask, please type our reply in the blank dialogue box located below.
Thank you for posting in the Community! Have a wonderful week ahead 🌸
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Hello @starshemia23 !
Yes, our Superstar @PummyRaj is absolutely right: Pepper Panic was developed for PC, so you can play it on Facebook and on the website, this is why you cannot find it in your App Store!
Have you already explored the Community? Here you can have a look at the different game communities and decide which game you'd like to try out.You can also chat with other King games players here- they may have more tips for you!
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Love playin every game0
Pepper Panic ''saga I can[' t get my friends pictures to show up it use too. You know when you request help from your friends their names but no faces. Will somwone give me the answer to how that happen and how to correct it.
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Hello @SugaFutz0127 !!
I'm really sorry I missed your question! Please accept my apologies for that. 🙏
Can you please check out these steps? Please let us know if they work, and if they don't, we'll investigate further.
Thanks a lot!!❤️
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