How do I unlock levels without having friends who play Pepper Panic?
Level 1
I don't have anyone who can unlock levels form me.. Why do was have to wait 3 days for it to be unlocked? Is there any other way to progress through the levels that does not require spending money? Or can we shorten the waiting period?
R u playing on phone??? There is random friend given to u
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Hello @alicebtokeless Hearty Welcome to our friendly King Community 🤗
I am sorry to hear that you are stuck at the Roadblock!!
This is one of the first games that came out along with Candy Crush and Farm! And that was the way it was created -- to have 3 of our friends to help out to cross the Road Block! I am thinking it could be because we will ask our friends to join and play the game, may be 🙂 Since it was the beginning of the Saga, that would be kind of a publicity 😃
There won't be any changes as the game has ended a while ago!! If you do not have friends in the game to send you help, unfortunately, there is no other work-around but to wait for 4 days 😔 (unless you have Gold Bars to open the gates)!
Hope this clarifies! Please let me know if you have further questions or need clarification.
Have a great week ahead! Please stay Safe & Warm! 😷
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Hello @alicebtokeless !
Our Superstar @PummyRaj is right, that's the only way to cross the roadblock.
Hi @stan1981 !
No, there are no plans to open this game for mobile devices at the moment 🙂
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