Pyramid Solitaire has stopped working.

Level 2
I am currently in the Level 900 section and in the last few days, I cannot open the App. Every time I log on, it hangs for a few seconds and then takes me back to my home screen. I have turned off my phone, upgraded the software but it still isn’t working. If I re-install the app, would I have to start from the beginning?
I’m having the same problem since the update. So frustrating. I deleted a different game app, reinstalled it, and I’d lost every thing. Sent at least 5+ emails and still waiting for something to be done.
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+I too, am having the same problem. I use my iphone 6s to play and have reached the end of all available levels. Now I can't boot the game and i'm going be very unhappy if i can't continue. I have a lot of time invested. any help? I contacted support and am awaiting for an answer.
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I have realised there is another thread on this forum where this has affected users with an Apple device. I have an IPhone 7 and reading through the posts, this issue has not been resolved. I have received a reply about uninstalling the App but this means losing all my boosters. Can someone confirm the existing issue has been resolved?
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