What happened to pepper panic?

I just want to know, although i dont intend to play it. It just spiked my curiosity..
Best Answers
Hello @littlemissmim08 Hope you are having fun in this sweet Community 🤗
The Pepper Panic Saga team has decided to end the game, and hence stopped creating new levels. Level # 460 is the last available.
Although the game has ended, we can still play it through Facebook or on King.com (just like Alpha Betty Saga). But, it is not available to download on the mobile devices though.
Hope this answers your question and clarifies! Please let me know if you have any further questions 🙂
Keep having fun in your game(s) and in this sweet Community 🌶️ 🌶️
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You are welcome! Also Papa Pear Saga has no longer to be released new levels and ended on Level 1080 (Scrubby Dubby Saga ended on Level 560, Alphabetty Saga ended on Level 920 and Bubble Witch Saga). Because their team is very busy to make more new levels and something news on any King's Games right now.
So I hope you can understand to read it. 😊
Hello @littlemissmim08 Hope you are having fun in this sweet Community 🤗
The Pepper Panic Saga team has decided to end the game, and hence stopped creating new levels. Level # 460 is the last available.
Although the game has ended, we can still play it through Facebook or on King.com (just like Alpha Betty Saga). But, it is not available to download on the mobile devices though.
Hope this answers your question and clarifies! Please let me know if you have any further questions 🙂
Keep having fun in your game(s) and in this sweet Community 🌶️ 🌶️
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Thank you
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You are welcome! Also Papa Pear Saga has no longer to be released new levels and ended on Level 1080 (Scrubby Dubby Saga ended on Level 560, Alphabetty Saga ended on Level 920 and Bubble Witch Saga). Because their team is very busy to make more new levels and something news on any King's Games right now.
So I hope you can understand to read it. 😊
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